Costs to Participate in a Stewardship Plan

Provision of drop boxes for the standard stewardship plan

Provision of up to four hundred secure drop boxes for retail pharmacies and law enforcement agencies willing to participate as drop-off sites will be provided for the standard stewardship plan by the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County.

It is anticipated that this provision will be as a reimbursement to the stewardship plan operator based on actual costs for collection receptacles up to a not-to-exceed figure based on assessment of currently available options and pricing.  Our current estimate is that each drop box will cost roughly $700.

Producer responsibility

A producer or group of producers participating in the standard stewardship plan or an independent stewardship plan shall pay all administrative and operational costs related to their stewardship plan which includes:

•  Collection and transportation supplies for each drop-off site;

•  Purchase of all secure drop boxes for drop-off sites in any independent stewardship plan (reimbursement to be provided by King County for purchase of up to 400 drop boxes in the standard stewardship plan);

•  Purchase of additional secure drop boxes needed for drop-off sites in the standard stewardship plan beyond the four hundred whose costs are to be covered by King County;

•  Ongoing maintenance or replacement of secure drop boxes, as requested by collectors;

•  Prepaid, preaddressed mailers provided to differentially-abled and home bound residents, and to specific areas of the county if utilized;

•  Operating periodic collection events if utilized, including costs of law enforcement staff time if necessary;

•  Transportation of all collected pharmaceuticals to final disposal, including costs of law enforcement escort if necessary;

•  Environmentally sound disposal of all collected pharmaceuticals;

•  Program promotion;

•  All fees to cover King County’s plan review and oversight costs.
Learn more about King County’s fees

Not included in a stewardship plan

•  Producers are not required to pay for costs of staff time at drop-off sites provided by collectors volunteering for a stewardship plan.

•  No person or producer may charge a specific point-of-sale fee to consumers to recoup the costs of their stewardship plan, nor may they charge a specific point-of-collection fee at the time the covered drugs are collected from covered entities.


This overview provides general information. For specific requirements of the Secure Medicine Return Regulations see Board of Health  Chapter 11.50.