King County Demographics

Demographic information is being provided for the cities, towns and unincorporated community services areas of King County.  Information compiled by King County is  provided as a convenience to drug producers and stewardship organizations for the purposes of awareness and may not represent all or changing information available.

Under the regulations the service convenience goal for the standard stewardship plan and any independent stewardship plan is a system of drop-off sites distributed to provide reasonably convenient and equitable access for all residents in incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county (Section 11.50.060). Read full regulations on collection of covered drugs.

Population Density

The population density map provided below was created by the King County Geographic Information System Center using available census, pharmacy and law enforcement location data for King County. Map shows population density using a two-mile grid and available pharmacies and law enforcement offices within incorporated and unincorporated areas of King County that are potential Secure Medicine Return drop-off locations.

King County Population Density Map

Cities and Unincorporated Areas

Incorporated areas of King County include 39 cities and towns with a population range of 616,500 residents in Seattle to less than 200 in the town of Skykomish (as of 2012).  Population for unincorporated King County community service areas, the territory outside any city, is approximately 254,000 residents, or 13 percent of the county’s population.  The unincorporated community service  areas include densely-settled urban communities as well as extensive rural and resource areas. Maps for both incorporated and unincorporated community service areas of King County are provided below.

Incorporated Area Demographics

Unincorporated King County Annexation Demographics

Unincorporated King County Community Service Areas

Population health data by census tract

Community health data, by census tract, is provided for incorporated and unincorporated community services areas in King County. Maps are provided below for areas of the county where residents speak languages other than English at home and for residents who are living below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.

Residents Speak Language Other Than English at Home

Residents Living Below 200% of Federal Poverty Level

 Updated on May 21, 2015